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X Buster: (Can be Charged) LP

Unlimited Potential: (At Critical Health) 🡫,🡮,🡪 + MP

Hand Strike: (W/U.P. Mode) MP

Air Hand Strike: (W/U.P. Mode) MP

Ultimate Hand: (W/U.P. Mode) ðŸ¡ª,🡮,🡫 + MP

Hadouken: (At Full Health) 🡫,🡮,🡪 + LP



X was a robot designed by Dr. Light with the ability to feel emotions and make its own decisions without limits on his programming. Dr. Light fears this as he lacks a moral programming, which could potentially make X a great threat in the world. And so, Dr. Light sealed X away.

100 years passed, and he was discovered by Dr. Cain, however, the capsule containing the robot warned that X is a robot that contains great threats, but also contains unlimited potential.

X sprite.png
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