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iX Buster: (Can be Charged) LP

Roof Climb: MP

Reflector Guard: HP

Twin Breaker: LK

Nova Strike L: HK

Vertical iX Buster: (While on Roof - Can be Charged) LP


Dr. Doppler, a Reploid scientist who was forced to work for Sigma, created Limited, a Replibrain with the ability to evolve machines while taking control of them.

After X fought a revived Wire Sponge, his buster was infected by the limited parasite, and slowly started to corrupt X's mind. On the peak of this corruption, Schmitt, a Maverick working for the Mother Limited, got absoved by it and using the data taken from X's Limited parasite, created iX, an evil clone with all of his abilities. Now, iX is set to destroy anything on its way to demonstrate his superiority over X.

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